Sponsor a sterilisation
PETS concentrates on sterilising township animals in order to prevent unwanted litters and help reduce the increasing population of dogs and cats without homes. Almost 3 MILLION animals are euthanised every year in south africa due to over population. Sterilisation also prevents types of Cancers and diseases which is prevalent in the townships because of the amount of unsterilised animals.
Help make a difference in a dog/cats life and reduce the amount of unwanted litters as well as pain and suffering from it.
Sponsor a sterilisation, vaccination, deworming and deflea treatment of a township dog/cat for R650
Choose a dog/cat you would like to sponsor below, pay the R650 to the account below and SEND US PROOF OF PAYMENT with the name of the animal/s you are sponsoring. Please remember to use the reference “petsjhb” so the funds are allocated accordingly.
Account Name: PETS
Account Number: 277408695
Bank: Standard Bank
Branch: Helderberg
Branch Code: 033012
Please email proof of payment to jhb@pets.org.za