
Type Dog
Breed Mix
Gender Male
Birthdate 1st of June 2011

Dexter is a ‘happy chappie’ he is loving and friendly and just wants attention, but is never ‘pushy’. He is submissive, but protective of any other dogs that come too close to ‘his family’. He plays at the park every day and prefers smaller dogs to the larger ones. The ABSOLUTE highlight of his day is mealtime. He has this little ritual … he runs down the stairs then back up and down again and finally back up and you don’t even need to tell him to sit, he has a smile on his face, his tail is wagging and tongue hanging out. He doesn’t like eggs, but loves chicken/beef/lamb/FOOD J He is very laid back, knows how to walk on the lead. He never knew what playtime was or what a ball was used for … slowly he is learning to play. Its all about patience. He is not a barker, but doesn’t like people walking past. He knows who friends are and he runs up and down howling his head off until they come inside. He is fine to leave at home with a doggy friend, but will cry his eyes out if you leave him alone. He is still learning that you have to SIT in the car, but at least he now gets into it. He is terrified if you shout, it doesn’t have to be at him, but he runs off with his tail between his legs. He doesn’t have any problem with thunder or fireworks. He favorite spots are In the flowerbeds, in the sand, anywhere there isn’t grass. I keep telling him he lives in the suburbs now, he can’t be a township dog anymore J Oh and he just LOVES his kennel. Pushed the pillow out of it and just wants to sleep on the carpet.


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